282 Edmondson Ave Austral, NSW, 2179

New Age Physiotherapy

Return to Work Rehabilitation Programme

What is a return to work rehabilitation programme?

Scientific research has proved that Rehabilitation is the best form of treatment for long-term musculoskeletal problems. It involves simultaneously decreasing pain and restoring function through carefully planned active treatment and self-management. Our Return-to-Work Rehabilitation Programme is specifically designed to help people return to all their normal daily activities after an accident or injury. The programme is holistic, taking into account the physical problems associated with the injury and the mental and social impacts.

At New Age Physiotherapy, we have helped many people get ‘Back in Action’ and return to a normal working (and home) life, despite being absent for long periods of time.

New Age Physiotherapy, through effective treatment, management and rehabilitation of people with work-related injuries, has demonstrated how business costs of absenteeism can be reduced significantly.

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How does it work?

The entry stage to our programme is the assessment of your current ability and limitation, allowing us to tailor-make a programme specific to your exact needs. This graduated return-to-work programme uses best practice and evidence-based treatment protocols. It typically lasts for 12 weeks and comprises:

Functional Restoration, Medical Exercise Therapy, Work Conditioning, Work Hardening, Education, 3-6 month follow-up assessment

The programme is on an individual basis with a mix of one-on-one supervision and independent exercise sessions in our fully-equipped, purpose-designed rehabilitation gym at our Liverpool Whitlam Centre or Liverpool Catholic Club. A comprehensive reporting system outlining the patient’s results of their assessment and their progress during and at the end of the programme in included in the programme. Reports and close liaison with the patient’s employer or solicitor are provided, subject to patient consent.

What conditions is it used for?

Typically for patients suffering with an injury which has resulted in long term absenteeism from work.

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