282 Edmondson Ave Austral, NSW, 2179

New Age Physiotherapy


Electrotherapy Services Sydney

Electrotherapy Services Sydney

Need electrotherapy services in Sydney ? At New Age Physiotherapy we use the following electrotherapeutic modalities:

  • Ultrasound
  • Interferential Current (IFC)
  • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
  • Dual Channel EMG Feedback

Our Sydney physiotherapists use electrotherapy as an adjunct to other physiotherapy techniques such as exercise rehabilitation, joint mobilisation and acupuncture.

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Electrotherapy is an awesome way to get injured muscle or tissue to commence healing without the pain. At our Sydney Physiotherapy clinics, we provide the latest equipment in treatments for tissue healing

How does Electrotherapy Services work?

Ultrasound – high frequency sound waves are applied to the tissues to accelerate the rate of healing by spurring on the inflammatory process and increasing the extensibility of scar tissue. It is a painless, non-invasive procedure.

  • IFC & TENS – Medium frequency currents are applied to the skin via electrodes to decrease pain by modulating the pain pathways to reduce the perception of pain. This is a non-invasive procedure which produces a sensation similar to ‘pins and needles’.
  • EMG Biofeedback this allows us to measure the amount of electrical activity generated by a muscle. The harder the muscle is working, the larger electrical activity it will generate. Consequently we can selectively target individual muscles for strengthening. Conversely, if there is too much tension in a muscle, for example the upper shoulder or neck muscles, we deploy this technique to train these muscles to relax.

What conditions is Electrotherapy Treatment Used For ?

Any conditions that require pain relief or the control of inflammation. However, at New Age Physiotherapy, we typically use these modalities for acute injuries (for example an ankle sprain) or isolated problems in a very small area (for example tennis elbow). We nearly always use this service in conjunction with other treatment techniques so give our Sydney physiotherapy clinics a call today. Contact us now or call us on Ph: 9606 8258

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