282 Edmondson Ave Austral, NSW, 2179

exercise physiology

got neck pain after a car accident what you need to know about whiplash

Got neck pain after a car accident? What you need to know about whiplash

If you’ve ever been in a rear-end car accident, you would recognise that terrifying moment when your head and neck forcefully jerks forward and backward at the moment of impact. What you wouldn’t realise at the time is that the rapid back and forth motion overstretches the muscles, tendons and ligaments in the cervical spine. …

Got neck pain after a car accident? What you need to know about whiplash Read More »

limber up why you shouldnt skip the warm up or cool down when you exercise scaled

Limber up: Why you shouldn’t skip the warm up or cool down when you exercise

Are you a regular exerciser, a seasoned athlete or the get in and get it done quickly type of workout person? Regardless of the answer, there’s one thing beginners, professionals and everyone in between should include in their exercise routine. Two things actually. A warm-up and cool-down. Find out why diving straight in with cold …

Limber up: Why you shouldn’t skip the warm up or cool down when you exercise Read More »

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